By clutzirella - 07/08/2015 06:32 - United States - Bradenton

Today, I fed my 4ft python a live rat for the first time. He now has a new friend he won't let me near. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 966
You deserved it 6 418

clutzirella tells us more.

the snake is not dead or bitten. I knew what I was doing and the rat is dead and eaten. they were all buddy for a matter of 20 minutes.

Top comments

Your Phyton is probably not hungry right now or something is wrong with his stomach

As soon as he gets hungry he'll eat it, so unless the rat shows signs he wants to bite your Python I wouldn't worry


IF your snake was previously on frozen/thawed, why would you feed it live?! That's taking a step backwards! Frozen/thawed is so much easier/more convenient.

infernno 23

That might be the cutest thing I've ever heard.

My snake brings all the rats to the yard...

First, you need to get the rat out of there. Second, go back to feeding frozen/thawed. More humane for the rat and safer for your snake. Look up live feeding snake injuries for some good reasons to not live feed.

doesnt seem more humane either way the rat dies and gets eaten. maybe they kill the frozen rats in a way that seems humane they probably do it in the easiest way possible I doubt anyone cares to inspect to see if the rats are dealt with humanely.

they are gassed or drown... much better then having long needle sharp teeth fastened in your hide as you are slowly being crushed to death by a powerful muscular vice grip that tightens each time you gasp for air. I love my reptiles, but. have seen rats squeezed so hard they shit themselves. I would rather be gassed.

so they are either killed like the jewish people in WWII or struggle to keep their heads above water until they can swim noo longer and run out of air. both of those both of those result in them dying from a lack of O2 from what I can tell, or poison in the gasses case but thats unlikely cause it would lilely still be in their system when feed to the snake... personally none of those sounds beter than the other two.

#101 - We eat cows, pigs and chickens. Why is feeding a rat its natural diet any different?

98- Actually, that's not true. Or at least, not where I live. Feeder rats are euthanized, the exact same way a pet dog or cat is if it needs to be "put down". It's the most humane and painless way possible to kill them. I've never heard of them being drowned or gassed.

I wasn't commenting on people having snakes for pets, I was commenting on the irony of a rat that was bought to be food harming the snake that it was supposed to sustain. I find it funny that people are upset that the snake might be injured because it didn't immediately kill the rat. It's just really funny, actually.

Be careful OP. Live rats have been known to attack the snakes they are being fed to. The attacks are gruesome and can be fatal for them.

As a snake owner for many years, feeding frozen feels very wrong... It's much more humane to feed live in my opinion... I just feel horrible having to thaw out a dead mouse. Just wrong!

That's actually really cute though!

You'll have to try and remove it, as sometimes the food becomes the predator. This is why live feeding isn't recommended.