By Anonymous - 17/06/2014 12:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I feel massively depressed, but I can't talk to anyone about it as I'm British. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 378
You deserved it 11 553

Top comments

martin8337 35

People can't talk about their feelings in the UK? I don't know, try France or somewhere.


As a Scottish person I would like to disagree as I'm happy to talk to others if I have a problem and others are happy to talk to me... Unless you're a man, because male Brits tend to be very stubborn. If this is a more serious problem then maybe speak to your doctor? Doctors are very understanding and helpful.

Well just talk to them and if they don't listen you always got god

I think it's a reference to the World Cup going on and every ones to distracted to talk.

That makes no sense. And FML didn't approve my FML. Asses.

You could talk to me... If you want... Just an offer of understanding.

buckeye1 9

Why does being British mean you can't talk to anyone about it?

kingdomgirl94 29

what are you talking about? seems like someone has a chip on their shoulder...

JetByul 2

I don't think nationality enters into it. Talking about depression can be hard for a lot of people! My advice, find someone who you can open up to, even if it is some random person you don't know and may never see again. At least that way, you're opening up and confronting the issue a little. Talk to her about anything. Stay strong

we quickly understood the fact that you are British as soon as you used the word massively...