By gemma - 11/09/2012 16:56 - United Kingdom - Belfast

Today, I figured out how serious my weight problem really is when my boyfriend had to lift a fat roll before he could enter me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 810
You deserved it 59 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd suggest you go run a lap... Or 10... Thousand...

that is a visual I could have lived without ...


StuffZ 1

Girl love your body and who u r ok

Meow_Bitches 7

"STICK IT IN STICK IT IN!!!.... I said: STICK IT IN!" "I KNOW... I just cant find your crotch..." "Crap... -_-"

vero559 7

That sucks. But take that as motivation to get in shape. :)

IneffableLullaby 13

Unless you have a medical condition, such as a thyroid problem, I don't see any reason why you should have reached that significant a size (certainly not before you realized you have a weight problem). An hour of workout a day is all you really need to get in and stay in shape. Regardless, I hope you become healthier soon. It's not an easy task to change your exercise and eating habits, and it'll definitely take some getting used to, but it's totally worth it in the end. Good luck, OP! :)

I don't understand all the comments that say you are lucky to have a boyfriend. There are men who find women who are heavier more attractive. There are also men who place more importance on the personality and disposition of the women they choose to date than their size. If you are unhappy with your weight, take this as motivation and see your doctor for advice on starting a diet and exercise plan. It will take time and hard work but if that is what will make you happier than it will be worth it. Good luck OP and remember to love yourself no matter what size you are today.

day624 14

OP I hope you aren't reading these horrid comments!! I sympathize with you!

That awkward moment when love handles become a love seat. Try swimming! It's easier on joints and still a great workout. :)

r_bruce69 19

here's an idea, lose some ******* weight OP. you put yourself here.