By gemma - 11/09/2012 16:56 - United Kingdom - Belfast

Today, I figured out how serious my weight problem really is when my boyfriend had to lift a fat roll before he could enter me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 810
You deserved it 59 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd suggest you go run a lap... Or 10... Thousand...

that is a visual I could have lived without ...


OceanBlueSea 12

I'm going to have nightmares tonight.

Simple solution really: He stands on the bed, you stand on your head and let gravity do the work.

meaganinja 12

You're disgusting. You brought it on yourself.

ToBeAnnounced 2

YDI. Being overweight doesn't happen over night. At some point you should have realized you were getting a little pudgy and did something about it. I'd die if I personally let that happen to myself. I wouldn't feel pretty, sexy or healthy. For the people shouting not to be shallow, personality is only a percentage of what makes up attraction (if you like obese partners by all means, go ahead. But I assume most people find healthy bodies more attractive) Get motivated and start walking or doing an exercise routine regularly before it's too late. Yes you should enjoy life, but I know no person who would enjoy life being obese.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Try having sex in different positions! Those can burn some seriously calories.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

*serious. I should not be browsing FML at 5 am.

stewpididiot 11

YDI and TMI. Also, thanks for the nightmares.