By Anonymous - 29/03/2009 19:09 - United States

Today, I finally convinced a girl that I liked to have sex. I decided to swoop her off the feet like the movies and carry her to my bed. I ended up hitting her head on the door frame, knocking her out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 067
You deserved it 86 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL. ahahahahaha Note to self, "we're not in movies"

You fail to mention whether you proceeded or not. Oh, and good job, sparky.


Aha! Seriously? I feel bad for the girl and sounds like someone was a tad bit too anxious to have sex. Maybe it's a sign from god to save yourself.

MukyDaCookie 0

Guys, get over his choice of words and look to the content. He persuades a girl to get into bed with him, and as he romanticaly sweeps her off her feet, he bangs her head on the doorway and knocks her out. Ultimate fail. Im sorry to hear that man, I hope she will still want to go at it once she wakes up

its ok.. theyre better when theyre motionless anyway

#34: I could be wrong, so I'll own up to that, but I'm pretty sure there's a difference between what you did and what it sounds like the OP did. I mean, for me at least it's one thing to maturely discuss sex with a SO and have them change their mind after hearing your reasons. But judging by the word choices of the OP, it sounds like they had been trying to convince/pressure a girl they weren't in a relationship with for some time.

Might as well get what you can before she wakes up, cause she won't talk to you anymore then.

I normally don't have trouble convincing girls that I enjoy having sex, but I guess if it is so unbelievable reacting like that may be appropriate.

YouMustBe_Joking 0

Dude, you must have tried to sprint through the doorway, cuz that's the only way you could hit her head hard enough to knock her out.

Common_Sense 0

Psh, what a nasty loser. You should never have to CONVINCE somebody to have sex. You totally deserved to not get laid. You should never get laid, you're an ass.

breaksprinter_ 0

Ahahahahaha, that's what you get for not dating her, because obviously you're not if you said said "girl I like" versus "girlfriend", but either way, sorry you didn't get to make whoopie. :( damned the luck. Although I do also agree with #42.

this sounds fake but it must happen enough to be made fun of in the movies