By Anonymous - 29/03/2009 19:09 - United States
By Anonymous - 29/03/2009 19:09 - United States
By depressed - 22/02/2010 07:23 - United States
By Ryan746 - 09/06/2009 05:45 - United States
By H-B - 28/04/2009 08:53 - United States
By BRELLA - 03/02/2009 19:58 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/03/2011 22:26 - United States
By ohai ur hawt, wanna fuzzzZzZZzzZzz - 04/04/2014 23:20 - Mexico - Mexico
By douglisk1994 - 10/02/2009 00:07 - United States
By Glassjaw - 01/08/2009 07:23 - United States
By PleaseDontHateMe - 20/09/2016 16:42 - Canada - Stony Plain
By Sully - 07/02/2010 00:17 - United States
you still had sex with her right?
Didn't this sort of happen in Two and a Half Men? Bad move man, fhl AND fyl!
If she really wanted to have sex, you wouldn't have needed to convince her to sleep with you...she would just want to.
#50s right. you totally deserved it. although i agree with #49, it wasn't actually rape
#34 what you did was a little different, although i still have problems with it. If he says "no i dont' want to have sex" that should be the end of it. Just wait until he is ready, if you can't do that then you should break up with him because he deserves someone who respects his decision instead of someone who presses their opinion on them until he changes his mind. Although giving your reasons and stuff and stating your case is a lot better than what the OP implied he did, especially because he isn't even in a relationship with this girl and you were in one. I still have a problem with what you did #34. There should never EVER be any "convincing" or "changing of his/her mind" when it comes to sex. It's just wrong, and i think people may have taken my "borderline rape" comment a little too far, i just meant it was wrong and he shouldn't have done that, though i will admit it's my fault for using such a strong word like 'rape'
This is too cliche. Can't be real.
LOL. ahahahahaha Note to self, "we're not in movies"
You fail to mention whether you proceeded or not. Oh, and good job, sparky.