By Anonymous - 29/03/2009 19:09 - United States

Today, I finally convinced a girl that I liked to have sex. I decided to swoop her off the feet like the movies and carry her to my bed. I ended up hitting her head on the door frame, knocking her out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 067
You deserved it 86 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL. ahahahahaha Note to self, "we're not in movies"

You fail to mention whether you proceeded or not. Oh, and good job, sparky.


How is convincing someone to have sex borderline rape? By those standards, all advertisers would be in jail for larceny.

savy_77 0

I saw the girl version on here not long ago...

Carlynator09 0

haha FAIL!!!!! but that sux, im guessing that she didnt want to do it with you after that

the_poop_bandit 0

"a girl that you like"? so does she like you back? because if she did wouldnt that constitute you calling her a "girlfriend" or " a girl youve been talking to" instead of "a girl that you like." this girl must be real **** and needed a slam to the head

planetearth 0

It's probably because you wanted to swoop her off of her feet instead of sweeping her off of her feet like you're supposed to. DUH.

god... this is worse than the sombrero fail.....

jayhawk63 0

This is definitely a repeat. Either that or there are two people in this world who think all sex should be "like the movies" and really fail at it...which is just too much to think about.

Tall_Kid 0

so.... did you keep going after she was out?

53...i'm pretty sure my (now ex) boyfriend would disagree with you on the sex bit. it was just a question of whether or not we were ready for it. he needed more time to think about it, and since i was in favor of it, i told him my reasons for wanting to. face it, not everyone is going to be of the same opinion at the same time. the reason people talk about sex is to figure out if they're 'ready,' and to state your case to let the other person see why you think it's a good or bad idea. i would say that's pretty close to convincing. you're reading a bit too into the word choice here. i'm gonna side with 55 and 56 here.