By x - 12/11/2012 02:16 - United States - Lake Placid

Today, I finally met the girl I've been talking to on phone for a while and found her charming in person as well. There's just one problem: she has more facial hair than I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 566
You deserved it 6 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not too big a problem. Appearence isn't everything.


Buy her some laser hair removal treatments for Christmas, and if you can't afford that she can always wax/thread it off. There's always a way to make it work!

If you really like her you'll get over it T_T

KM96 24

Awwww well inner beauty is better than outer beauty. If you like her that much then it won't really matter. But if it does matter (a lot) then maybe nicely suggest hair removal.

I was gonna ask a question too, but I'll shave it for later.

oj101 33

It doesn't really tickle, but it spikes you. (bi guy here)

Get over it. If you really like her, you'll get used to it.

nothing92x 13

Shouldn't be a problem. My girl has some facial hair but I don't complain. Her personality is amazing and clicks with me easily. It's easily overlooked when seeing her for who she truly is. Remember: just because she has a trait not associated to the female form doesn't mean you have to think differently of her.

If you really like her you'll get over it. You don't deserve her if you can't get past an easily correctable situation such as that. You deserve a shallow girl who won't really like you for who you are, either.

coldspider3 6

No shave november? She's got you beat