By Anonymous - 15/06/2010 19:31 - United States

Today, I finally weighed myself after going on a strict diet of only fruits, vegetables, and coffee. I gained weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 185
You deserved it 22 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

try this little thing called exercise. you can't just eat right unless you have a high metabolism. so ydi.

meliz37 1

how much sugar did u put in that coffee....?


You're doing it wrong. Go see a nutritionist and save time :)

mlittle3 1

duh!!! you're metabolism isn't used to only digesting that little so it slows down to make up for it. ydi

you can not cut out fat completely or your body will start storing more fat and you gain weight fast. try again and good luck.

skittles222 0

yeah coffee has a lot of calories. I started drinking 1 cup a day this winter and gained a few pounds. plus fruits are made of fructose which is a form of sugar

@200 Coffee has a very small amount of calories (ie, about 10) without anything added. If you're going to Starbucks to lose weight, you're doing it wrong. This whole comment just kind of scares me because fruits have very few calories either. They're one of the healthiest things you can eat and aren't going to make you gain weight (unless you cut out everything else, like the OP).

siddthakid08 0

it might be water weight...lmbo

luluforever2 0

eating meats and egg mostly will help you lose weight. try that. thought you migt get tired of eating that for like three months or so. but if it works u should keep the diet of mostly meats and egg.

your body I'd holding on to all the fat it can because you stopped eating like you were before. if you are trying to lose weight, the weight watchers system is the best.!!!!!

confuzzledbylife 0

that's because fruits, vegetables, and coffee don't help you loose weight. Yes, the right amount of them can help a little, but you shouldn't JUST eat fruits and vegetables. And where'd you get a crazy idea like coffee as a good weight lose drink?!

outis 0

What's with everyone saying that coffee has lots of calories? Coffee itself contains almost no calories. The calories "in coffee" come from the sugar and cream that some people add to their coffee. And those lattes, mochas, frappuccinos, etc. at Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts? Not coffee. Those are coffee drinks. They're loaded with calorie-packed sugar and dairy.