By anon - 21/06/2011 11:52 - United States

Today, I finally went on a date with my crush. When he kissed me goodnight, it made me think of a dying slug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 838
You deserved it 7 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you went on a date with your crush!

hook_em 0

just one question. how do you know what a dying slug feels like on your lips? do you eat them things or something?


hook_em 0

just one question. how do you know what a dying slug feels like on your lips? do you eat them things or something?

ewww lol, learn him to kiss in the future

lonewolf6613 4

aww 19 it's ok we all know what you meant. still pretty funny though. :)

question: how can you learn someone?

lonewolf6613 4

maybe *someone* is really a type of fighting?like karate or something?

Zeek63 0

MissRoxiie you have a pointy nose... don't fade palm or it will go straight through your hand...

lonewolf6613 4

^^^oh wow that's jerk! funny tho. lol

BrookieCookie101_fml 0

my family always says that too, always telling me they will learn me. lol :P it's a southern thing.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha............. Jk that was stupid

Erm....... Proper English is a must.......?

perdix 29

Trying using less salt on your margaritas.

that's just gross I've seen a dying slug

maybe you guys missed each others lips so basically made out with each others cheeks! he probably felt like he was kissing a walrus!! (I LOVE MY PROFILE PIC)

TripOnShoelaces 0

haha you made me laugh :D and I like your profile pic too

shame :( should you see a doctor for that issue?

a dying slug!? how in the hell did it make you feel like that?

hahaha why is your pic a giraffe trying to bang a pony

reggicm 0

Bad kisses are so disappointing :(