By anon - 21/06/2011 11:52 - United States

Today, I finally went on a date with my crush. When he kissed me goodnight, it made me think of a dying slug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 838
You deserved it 7 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you went on a date with your crush!

hook_em 0

just one question. how do you know what a dying slug feels like on your lips? do you eat them things or something?


MsMonore 0

ughhh..... I would've died 10x

which side of the slug? HaHa. jk FYL. good luck.

Must have been your first kiss... I thought the same thing.

hiscrazygurl1 5

that's happened to me before it felt like the guy was trying to devour my face!

lisha88 1

I guess you won't be crushing on him anymore lol that's one bad kiss smh

The only way to get over this is to kiss a real dying slug. Then in contrast, well... who knows? old are you? if you are young, maybe he needs practise. no, wait, DYING slug...meh, just give up:)