By jlover42 - 01/05/2009 21:07 - United States

Today, I forgot my inhaler. I had an asthma attack and had to go to the ER. The doctors told me it wasn't an asthma attack. It was just a panic attack from worrying about whether I would get an asthma attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 857
You deserved it 18 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sweetjosephine 0

That sucks. And to the people saying "lame", "YDI", etc. Asthma is serious business. People die without their inhalers. That's like worrying about not having a parachute while skydiving. the OP had every right to freak out for forgetting their inhaler.

Aw, that's one of those things that isn't funny at the time but you'll laugh about it later. I don't have asthma but panic attacks are never fun :( And to all the people who leave comments saying YDI or that you should just get over it - unless you have asthma or know someone who has and suffers from attacks I don't think you have the right to judge whether this is a true FML. Also - have you never left something important behind before? Hope you feel better now though x


Actually Newman, I do have a girlfriend, but you are right that asthma and cancer are completely different. My point was that the kid isn't a pussy for getting scared about dieing. Asthma attacks can kill you if you don't have an inhaler with you and it's not uncommon for people to die from asthma.

newman125001 0
Bookie2152 0
so_me_fml 0

well #74, call me crazy, but having a catch-22 psychological disorder in which the fear of having a panic attack will actually induce a panic attack... KIND of sounds like an FML to me!!!

Rht2925 0

whoever says suck up I seriously wish that you had asthma just to see what it feels like

tiltwrestler 0

Hahahah #80 I DID make a website about it!!! Check near the bottom, I gave the URL to my "ehow" article I wrote. o and dude lax is lacrosse, you fool. "La" for la, "x" for "crosse". get it? x, like in a cross?

YDI you can get over asthma..grow a pair. i had an asthma attack in wrestling practice, i couldnt breathe for a few minutes so i gasped for air on the mats and then got up and ******* wrestled. panic attacks are for ******* ******* get over yourself.

haha get over asthma. I have had asthma since I was born... 23 years now... you cant "get over" asthma. No worries man, I've done the same thing. I always keep a backup in my car and work :)

Wow, that really sucks. I can see how easy it is to have a panic attack when having asthma, or even if your asthma is that bad and you forget your inhaler. It's certainly happened to me before. Sometimes it helps to have an extra inhaler or two around. Try giving one to one or two people that you spend the most time with so they have one in case of emergency. To all you douche bags out there - Asthma is a very serious condition, people do die from it all the time. It is not something that you can will yourself to get over. Yes, some people can outgrow it. It all depends on how serious it is as well as what type (i.e.: exercise induced is easier to get over). I have had asthma for years, and developed it due to a serious of respiratory infections when I was younger. They found out about the asthma after I had a severe attack and stopped breathing. When I was first diagnosed I would have a few attacks a week. Now I can go months or more without one. I only get them when I'm around things I'm allergic to, around mold or when I try to work out when I have a bad cold.

grazynaanka 0

#74 her having a panic attack does not me she has a psychological disorder. it's quite common for people to have panic attacks over stressful things. if she had an anxiety disorder which causes panic attacks, then she would have a psychological disorder because, she would have an anxiety disorder, which is recognized by the DSM IV. Haha sorry I'm a psych major. That really sucks. But hey, at least it wasn't an asthma attack. I know this might be hard but, next time you forget your inhaler try not to stress and panic about it. That's what brought on your panic attack.