By Macy - 11/06/2011 20:36 - Italy

Today, I found cigarette butts at the bottom of the toaster. My mother has been dropping them in there for I don't know how long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 942
You deserved it 3 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe you should explain to her that toasters, are for toast.


and put it beside the toaster powdered.. toast.. maaaaaan!

I'd get a new toaster if I were you. By the way, maybe that's not the only "ashtray" she's been using. *shudder*

she need her nicotine fix somehow even if it means flavoring her toast

I guess it's a healthier way of getting her fix...

Yum. That'll kick your nicotine addiction.

MrSexyPants 14
perdix 29

That's better than butter. Your mom is just making you more efficient, helping you get your gluten and nicotine fixes in one shot.

lmaoatall 6

your mother is an ashhole for doing that. hope she doesn't pick up chew. that's some nasty ass stuff there. then you have to watch what you drink.