By Macy - 11/06/2011 20:36 - Italy

Today, I found cigarette butts at the bottom of the toaster. My mother has been dropping them in there for I don't know how long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 942
You deserved it 3 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe you should explain to her that toasters, are for toast.


Now you know the plan mom is try to burn the house down cuz you won't leave .......

liy223 6

kudos to her for creativity.

why the toaster? out of all kitchen appliances? just...why?

jackiemoonthepro 5
Snafuusmc 12

how does this person deserve it?This makes no sence.

lulututu 4

For not cleaning the bottom more often :)

*sense*... sorry... I had to don't hit me.

my2centsworth 15

She's trying to kill the smell from when your cat used it for a litter box.

Privations_fml 0

Mmmmm... toast with a nice buttery, tar spread. All the goodness of COPD and emphysema without the hassle of smoking. That's ******* disgusting.

Exactly my thought. As soon as I read this I was instantly disgusted. I really hope they hardly use the toaster which is why noone has noticed until now. There are so many chemicals in the filters, not to mention all the tar and everything else from the cig. itself. I have a feeling that if anyone did eat toast from there, they would notice the horrible taste and probably get quite sick that day.

that's gross. how did ur toast taste?