By Macy - 11/06/2011 20:36 - Italy

Today, I found cigarette butts at the bottom of the toaster. My mother has been dropping them in there for I don't know how long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 942
You deserved it 3 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe you should explain to her that toasters, are for toast.


That's silly. You know what they say, "All toasters, toast toast!"

so you're telling me that you found cigarette butts under the toaster?

Toast has always been code for Crack Cocaine

sup_bitch 0

did the toast have a smokey flavor?

jbeach91 3

#80-the bottoms of toasters open to clean out the fallen crumbs. they were probly just cleaning it out. idk...