By yay! - 08/11/2010 06:07 - United States

Today, I found my son's iPod touch and was looking at a light-saber app. He walked into the living room to see me fighting the cat and making sound effects to myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 787
You deserved it 32 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for making your own sound effects. The app does that for you!

... so you should buy another one and duel?


piandod 0

This isn't an FML! it's an MLIA.

just stick to using the broom handle as ur light saber/*****. all that technology is too much for u to handle obaa-san.

So? That's awesome. I don't have a lightsaber app, but I have a plastic lightsaber.

rainbowhair1 0

amazing!!!!!! light sabers rule!!!

You should have attacked him with his own light saber app.

silverphoenix 0

Maybe he thought it was funny and cool that his dad could have so much fun with the cat. Nah, who am I kidding? He thinks you're a dork. But look at the bright side -- he's a teenager. He already thinks you're a dork, so you haven't really lost anything.

If my dad weren't away on a business trip, I'd swear he was the OP. Then again, FMLs don't get posted *immediately*, do they...

WOW now that your kid realizes you are a human being your life is over.... better go jump off the nearest bridge.