By stoolgal - 23/09/2016 06:19 - United States - Yukon

Today, I found out after a lot of panic and a visit to the gynecologist that the lump in my vagina isn't cancer. I was just constipated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 506
You deserved it 1 449

Same thing different taste


But aye!! Congratulations on not having cancer!

And it never occurred to you when you weren't pooping that that might be the problem?

Maybe it's just me, but if I felt a lump down there, I wouldn't immediately connect the dots between not pooping and possibly having cancer.

Dun dun DUN... At first glance I was confused because I never really thought they could be connected like that, but thinking about it now it actually makes sense.

The two holes are right next to each other! If you feel a big hard lump towards the back wall of the vag - towards the butt - it's obviously something in your butt! There's only a thin tissue between them. If you want to get sexual, this is why guys and girls like double penetration, because the size/pressure from the butt end can be felt in the vag-jayjay.

I had a comparable problem once. It felt like someone was stabbing my uterus for weeks. I thought it was a (popped) cyst but the doctor told me that she couldn't see anything and that the pain was probably caused by my colon being wrapped around my ovaries a little bit.

On the bright side, you don't have cancer

Your biology leaves a lot to be desired... o.O

mermaidgirle 12

No, it doesn't. The tissue walls between the colon and ****** are very thin. If someone inserted a finger anally, they could push against the ****** and it would be felt from inside the ******. Why do you think dudes like giving double penetration to a woman? I'm surprised she didn't connect her lack of bowel movements to that, but hey; knowledge is power now!

At least it wasn't cancer... honestly, would you rather have cancer than be constipated?

Who in their right mind would rather have cancer than be constipated? Constipation is way more simple to treat than cancer. Smh.

Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is :))