By SleepyKirsty - 09/06/2009 13:36 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out just how thin the walls at my new student flat are. They are so thin in fact, that I can hear the creepy guy next door say my full name over and over again very slowly whilst masturbating rigorously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 120 749
You deserved it 5 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL and fyl for sure but dont be surprised about how often guys jerk off about and what about, you were just a little more aware about it happening


LOL now u know u can get free sex anytime :)

oh shut the hell up we all jack off and think about our hot neighbors

Well the guy's OTHER neighbour might be masturbating to National Geographic or The Weather Channel or something like that so he might of just wanted to get that picture out of his head by concentrating on your name. That would explain repeating it loudly. When there's a creeper, there's always a bigger creeper right behind him. One way or the other.

#127: I'm not gonna think too hard about a bigger creeper being behind every creeper :-|

Hey, we have the same name then! :)

Always look on the bright side of life? "I CAN HEAR YOU, GOOD SIR!

CyclonePsycho 1
MrGlad 0

i seriously don't believe you...