By SleepyKirsty - 09/06/2009 13:36 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out just how thin the walls at my new student flat are. They are so thin in fact, that I can hear the creepy guy next door say my full name over and over again very slowly whilst masturbating rigorously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 120 749
You deserved it 5 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL and fyl for sure but dont be surprised about how often guys jerk off about and what about, you were just a little more aware about it happening


Helloweentonite 0

easy solution: while he doing this daily routine, put ur fist thru the wall and scream : STFU YOU FREAKIN PERV !!! and call your closest guy-friend to come sock him in the face .

ilikepieanddylan 0

ydi for going to college jk lololololol

that's kinda creepy but seriously who cares guys do it all the time

X_o_X_ocutie 0

if I could beat that creep up for u the last thing I would say would be: "U GOT KNOCKED THE **** OUT BIYITCH

splarf1991 0

reminds me about the Japanese film called Man Woman and the Wall! you should watch it