By prostitutes boyfriend - 21/10/2011 14:55 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out my girlfriend doesn't go to work, she's actually been seeing another guy purely for sex, and each time he gives her money to "support her unemployment." Pretty sure that means I'm dating a prostitute. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 395
You deserved it 4 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ikickmidgets 11

Go get tested before your dick falls off man!

At least you know you don't have to support her unemployment .


lovelife9 12
jackeechan 10

Also coming from Cornwall chances are I also know someone in this story...

Admit it, your the other guy that's paying for her 'services' .. ;)

So a prostitute is having sex for free with you. I think you meant RML. Instead of FML

xmarine360x 0

show her that your pimp hand is strong

livedandlaughed 10

Looks like you just added another occupation to your resume. Pimp, since obviously you get it for free, now start charging her room and board..