By Anonymous - 14/11/2014 22:36 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out one of my girlfriend's recent Google searches was, "Should I admit to cheating or just dump him?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 592
You deserved it 2 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try to talk to her about it before you act.

Google Search : "Should I admit to my girlfriend that I found out she's a cheating hoe?". And have her find it on the computer.


vicky_P 3

sometimes I google relationship advice just for fun (I love advice columns). so before you jump to any conclusions just talk to her. be prepared for the worst but hope for the best. good luck!

Talk to her? Figure it out because it might be a mistake

I like how she is asking Google for its opinion like it knows her.

if you search it this is the keyword .. how to get your girlfriend to confront about cheating...

You should ask her about it first and if she dumps you or admits to cheating, then you can confirm that she cheated.

PresidentNorth 16
ostfaiz 18

what are you waiting for!...get it all to her

You have more than one girlfriend if you're saying one of my girlfriends googled it so you can't talk!

Astrum14 24

It's one of the Google searches belonging to the girlfriend, not one of the girlfriends belonging to him. You can tell because of where the apostrophe is. If it said girlfriends' then it would mean he has multiple girlfriends.

28 - you nees to brush up on your reading skills

TallMist 32

"I found out one of my girlfriend's recent Google searches" Girlfriend's Not girlfriends It's singular possesive You can't just take off part of a sentence to find a way to twist it to turn it around on OP. Either you just wanted to blame the OP instead of the girlfriend for some reason, or your reading comprehension is horrible.

afallingstar 22

Talk first, then dump her. I'd suggest in person though so you can see how she reacts and judge if she's telling the truth or not.

PSYqualiac 17

You can trust him. He's a Doctor.

Attacksloth 33

I do odd searches all the time like that and I've never cheated. It's just curiosity, because hearing someone else's dirt can at times, regrettably, be interesting.