By Ouch - 12/08/2009 23:36 - United States

Today, I found out that doctors can be wrong. Pink clothes, pink stroller, pink bottles, pink bibs, pink cribs and pink bedding to go with my baby that recently came out with a little pink penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 756
You deserved it 22 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

valuemeal2 1

That happened to my mom, everyone thought I would be a boy but nope! Next time, decorate in yellow.

Well... you can save it for another time if you do happen to have a girl. :) Congrats! I love baby boys!!


make the doctor buy it. its their fault

rustyrox 0

I'm pretty sure society does a good enough job instilling gender roles. Try gender neutral like yellow or red next time. YDI for thinking of an FML when you just had a child!

mwbddh2 0

What the ****. You clearly have no respect for your little guy.

So what? Colours for a certain gender is stupid, but if it really matters go with yellow or green next time.

FalconWhitaker 20

If it makes you feel any better, pink used to be considered a colour for boys because it was closely related to the very masculine colour red, and blue was for girls because it was the colour of the Virgin Mary. It's only recently that the change has been made. You could just say that you're a real traditionalist! ;D

Ok, first of all, it wont turn out gay, they're colours for gods sake. And it doesn't matter, why try and press the colour pink onto this kid anyway? Its not like it'll turn out its favroute colour or anything. Its a baby, even if you care about whether it looks good or not, all it cares about is food and sleep and more food. Just grow up.

YDI for attempting to enforce gender roles. People like you are keeping humanity in the dark ages.

LemonFairy 0

And pooping. Don't forget that. XP