By Ouch - 12/08/2009 23:36 - United States

By Ouch - 12/08/2009 23:36 - United States
By Hot Pants - 01/12/2011 17:09 - United Kingdom
By ohgod - 14/08/2009 16:57 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/01/2020 18:00
By Worried - 16/04/2011 10:59 - Australia
By Mamallama - 19/08/2018 13:00
By WOCOACH - 09/09/2009 19:33 - United States
By budbunny13 - 30/06/2011 23:08 - United States
By Shelly - 07/06/2009 02:25 - United States
By jenabp - 03/01/2011 18:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/09/2021 16:59
You don't need to replace all that stuff. Real men wear pink! ;)
Awwwh, did you have a girly named picked out too? That could catch you off guard as well.
Little pink baby with little pink penis isn't going to ******* care if all his stuff is pink until he's about....4 or 5. Whatever, be glad you can afford all the baby stuff.
Agreed. The only one who'll care is OP. Besides, up until Victorian times I believe pink was considered a man's color because it was considered too dramatic/bold for women. So you're not wrong, OP, just really old fashioned!
Never decorate in a gender stereotype color. Use something like green or yellow or even purple. Doctors are never 100% accurate. On the other hand, my dad thought I was gonna be a boy and decorated my nursery with cute baby dinosaurs...I miss that theme.
The tell you that at the scans its not 100 % accurate. There docters not gods!
Or to be extra safe, get wood furniture (that's not painted a specific color) and white bedding for the crib. But really, your baby isn't going to need things like bibs and pretty colored bottles (just get clear bottles, it's that easy!) and strollers until they grow up a bit. So OP, you could've waited to buy some of that baby equipment until after your baby was born and you were certain of the gender. Most babies don't even need a crib when they are first born, I slept in a baby basket for my first couple weeks of life.
I agree. However, from what it sounds like, this may have been the OPs first child. :) (Congrats by the way, OP!!) Parents get a bit excited, and because they're so nervous they do everything at once. OP: It's not a YDI or an FML. It's a "oops, well, oh well." I'm sure your son will grow up wonderfully, and if you really find you have a problem with the color then go exchange things with receipts.
Exactly what I though ;)
aw cmon man everyone loves the good ol' pink and blue!
leave the walls alone for a while and then return stuff if you really want to for a different color...the kid won't remember until he's four at very least more likely five.
seriously guys, she wasn't saying she isn't thankful for the kid. of course she is. she was just saying that it sucks she bought all pink stuff when she gotta boy. i would be pissed too... so chill.
Especially if she can't return/exchange some of it. I mean, a lot of it could have been bought months ago (a lot of places have 30 day return policies) or was a gift she doesn't have a receipt for, or hell, some of it might be handmade. And some of that stuff she might just have to use right now because it's what she has. She doesn't say, but what if she had bought a pink car seat? You can't take the baby home without it, so she'd have to open up the box and use it. Even returning all that stuff will be a hassle. Everything's a hassle when you have an infant.
haha you should make fun of your kid when he gets older about this
You're not the only one who thinks so. One of my old teachers wanted the nurse to wrap his baby girl in a blue blanket instead of a pink one. The nurse broke down in tears and said "I'm sorry sir. I can't bring myself to wrap your baby girl in a blue blanket". WTF? It's not like the color changes the baby. XD
Ok everyone yeah it might not screw up his life because he won't remember all the pink. But then when she is out and about with her little boy dressed in pink everyone is going to be like "oh what a cute little girl" and she will have to explain to everyone that the baby is acctually a boy and then all the people they tell are going to wonder why they dress their little boy like a little girl. It would be a huge pain in the butt. I do agree though that you shouldn't have gotten ALL pink you could have gotten other colors like purple and green and tan and white. That way you would have something to dress the possible boy in until you exchange the clothes.
I dont see the problem. I mean his penis matched everything you got. Did the doctors tell you it was gonna be a different color?
I don't think you got the better end of the deal. That's one of the most ridiculous names I've ever heard. Others agree.
My father in law's name is marvin dewayne and his sister's name is marlene elaine. His oldest brothers name is randy ray randle (they wanted a wrestler's name) lol
Have to agree... But my three boys will be named Wolfgang Amadeus Brynildsen, Johan Sebastian Brynildsen and Dumbell Brynildsen, so I guess im in a glasshouse rockin... Still, better end of the deal? Andelle-Rae? sounds like your retard mother just wanted to make sure you could "Handle (being) gay" since she screwed up the colours, F Your Name!
Not so bad. I went to to school with a kid named David David David. That't right, the first, middle, AND last name were all the same.
That happened to my mom, everyone thought I would be a boy but nope! Next time, decorate in yellow.
Well... you can save it for another time if you do happen to have a girl. :) Congrats! I love baby boys!!