By Sarah - 30/08/2012 12:58 - United States - Hampton Bays

Today, I found out that I'm not actually allergic to chocolate, when my mom freely admitted to me that she made it up when I was a child because she didn't want to share any cookies with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 889
You deserved it 2 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dodge4x4Ram 46

If they were chocolate chip Chips Ahoy cookies.. I understand her reasoning..


s1ckpup 0

I'm surprised nobody has said anything about Mrs. Field's cookies, now THOSE are the best and truly worth dying for. And whoever said subway's are the best should get stoned.

Stoopid_life 2

...and your the one who believed it :D

graphicstyle7 17

Wow, time to BUST LOOSE and order some excellent chocolate from a gourmet shop! Then take a photo and send it to your mom and tell her you are not sharing!

vetgrl 2

Whoever makes the money can choose to share or not share their cookies. By lying she saved herself years of telling you "no" over and over, and unintentionally from obesity/sugar addiction. Moms hate repeating "no".

Bullshit, she was being lied to about having allergies just so the mom could have all the cookies and not share it with her. Did you misses that part, or are you ok with denying kids a part of their childhood and just lying to them about having a medical condition just so you can horde cookies all to yourself.