By Sarah - 30/08/2012 12:58 - United States - Hampton Bays

Today, I found out that I'm not actually allergic to chocolate, when my mom freely admitted to me that she made it up when I was a child because she didn't want to share any cookies with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 889
You deserved it 2 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dodge4x4Ram 46

If they were chocolate chip Chips Ahoy cookies.. I understand her reasoning..


I wouldn't talk to her for the rest of my life

BeautyOfGrac3 6
BeastyB 4

if you would have joined the dark side they always have cookies :)

Worst mom ever! I cant live a day without chocolate :C

A similar thing happened to a girl I knew. She was told she was allergic to alcohol. It wasn't until she was 18 that she figured out that it was completely implausible

It is possible to be allergic to alcohol, actually. Or at least to be intolerant of it like lactose-intolerant people are intolerant to dairy products.

Think, if you will. How would her parents know she is allergic to alcohol?

No that you found out your not allergic to chocolate. Are you going to go get yourself chocolate wasted, just to catch up on the years you missed out?!?

Being allergic to chocolate is not that bad! I am and I feel completely perfect! Although your mother still is inexcusable