By orangechicken - 16/04/2012 22:00 - United States - New Hudson

Today, I found out that my daughter has been watching Supernatural and The X-Files so she'll fit in better at school. I'm not even angry that she's suddenly a brain-dead conformist, it's just that she now has nightmares all the time and insists on sleeping in my bed. She's a kicker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 872
You deserved it 5 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NiveaKK 9

I don't blame her for watching Supernatural. Jensen Ackles is HOT.

At least you didn't catch her listening to One Direction and Justin Bieber, and reading Twilight.That's the ultimate level of brain-dead.


82- your profile picture works surprisingly well with your comment in an incredibly twisted way

Brain dead conformist? Wow you don't sound like a bitch @ all

mandahoney 0

Don't let her sleep with you. You're the parent. I'm assuming she's older than 5, so sharing a bed with a parent is ridiculous. If she's under 5, don't let her watch that shit.

TheElderTROLLZ 15

126 - I'm guessing that's you in your profile pic? You are screwed up!

TKello 6

I'm sorry, but I think those are two very good shows. Especially the X-files, it's a classic! But if she's getting nightmares, then she needs to stop watching them. Especially X-files since that one is more hard-core, Supernatural is similar to Buffy and Angel in my opinion where it's more delightful supernatural drama than horror.

bobbos100 2

So who is watching her while she watches TV? And where r u? It's your own fault for not supervising her properly.

Assimilate! Give in to the pressure! Heil hitler! Wait..... Wtf?? Jk not really that is ******* stupid. Anyways, sorry Brodie. Wear a cup to bed :P

Where the hell does your kid go to school at that watching Supernatural and X-Files helps her fit in?? o_O