By armenta427 - 07/10/2009 04:12 - United States

Today, I found out that my parents are 28,000 dollars in debt and that my bank account has $27.17 in it. They took my money to help pay their debt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 938
You deserved it 3 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's horrible! How dare they! You should sue them when they get back on their feet.

welcome to my life. my mother stole the 30k my grandparents gave me for sophomore year to 'pay off' her debts. i'm now 90k in debt after all the interest from the loan i had to take out.


PaulInTheSky_fml 0

That sucks! Makes me glad my parents aren't on my account.

is tell them u want and needyhe money back now it you'll talke it to court or something

**** them if you're going down make sure your kids are ok don't take their money

wintamint101 7
pnk_star07 0

I fail to see how anyone can say YDI when this isn't their fault at all

The only way this could be a YDI for me is if OP gave his parents access to his bank account. He shouldn't have done that (which is the only way I can think of for them getting his money), but he didn't deserve his parents to take all of it (or at least most of it) to pay off their own debts. FYL OP.

david000123 0

I would said u buyen me damn car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xe728 9

Your parents are dicks they didn't even tell u

am i the only one who's seeing it as $27.17?

isminei 6

I have a feeling this one is fake. You have to have the account holder there, in person, to take more than $5K out of a bank account at a time.