By armenta427 - 07/10/2009 04:12 - United States

Today, I found out that my parents are 28,000 dollars in debt and that my bank account has $27.17 in it. They took my money to help pay their debt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 938
You deserved it 3 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's horrible! How dare they! You should sue them when they get back on their feet.

welcome to my life. my mother stole the 30k my grandparents gave me for sophomore year to 'pay off' her debts. i'm now 90k in debt after all the interest from the loan i had to take out.


kaitmarie_ 0

My mom did the same thing to me. Shit happens.

david000123 0

nooooo!!!!!shit happens cuz it just dose!!!LOL!!!

fuckyourlifehoe 0

You totally deserved it. Trust no one with access to your money. I mean no one.

fuckyourlifehoe 0

I would probably never talk to my mom again if she did that. Seriously ever. And I would sue her.

ilykailey 0

Same thing happened to me! :( Fol.

@ all the idiots saying he/she deserved it for sharing the account. There is such thing as identity theft you morons. It's more common with parents then you idiots know of. They can manipulate late you as they are your parents and that is practically a specialty of them. It's not that hard to get into a bank account when you know the SS number. In fact they can use your credit score when you are a child and ruin it before you know what a credit score is. If you want to act like high and mighty douchebags then at least be SMART! Seriously I never knew there were some many stupid people that can operate the internet until I read these comments. I mean this isn't like mentally handicapped stupid but it's too stupid to realize the phone isn't a calculator stupid.

trueleader 0
Rico5037 0

yeah windows 2000 network security closed circuit ... boo