By FMLer - 27/05/2011 20:57 - United States

Today, I found out that since I stopped shaving my legs, my boyfriend and his friends have started referring to me as a Wookiee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 405
You deserved it 62 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a hairy situation you've got yourself into.

futtbuck101 1

Start calling him hand solo 'cause he ain't getting some no more


BadSuerte 0

hey you should feel your legs before you shave 'em. They feel like a Teddy bear fur. cool huh?:)

Teddy bear fur? I shave as soon as I get small stubble, if I can run my hand up my leg and its not perfectly smooth I shave my legs. I'm not very hairy though so thats only once or twice a week. I couldn't imagine how gross having over an inch of hair on your legs would be when anything at all bothers me.

FreebirdIII 1

Guess they have not seen your under arms huh Chewy.

rrrmmmvvv 0
Stormiella101 0

I personally shave for me but if it's really a big thing for you then find someone who dosent care or suggest he start shaving his legs double standards SUCK.

KaitlynxD 5

Why would you stop shaving coming into summer? And even if you did stop shaving, why would you let people see your unshaven legs? That's just gross.

sjch 0

How is that gross? I let people see my arm hair, is that gross too?

I'm curious on the reason to just stop shaving your legs...I can understand if you just don't remember to for a few days or you've been in a rush in the shower the last while so you get kinda hairy but this seems like a decision you actually made which seems really weird.

it could always be worse, or maybe Sasquatch was already taken.

that's not really fair, changing from shaved to non-shaved in the middle of a relationship, kwim? what if he stopped wearing deodorant?

smileygurl101 0