By ummPORQUE - 07/05/2009 16:17 - United States

Today, I found out that the guy I've been having sex with for over a month didn't know my name until today. No wonder he always ever called me "Baby." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 028
You deserved it 70 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How have you not noticed sooner? If he's just a **** buddy I'm not sure you can expect much more.


alex_vik 0

So you have sex with people who don't even know you? YDI

This is when you know it's time to reevaluate your life!

Notice it's "having sex" and not "in a relationship with." You expected him to know your name when you two are just **** buddies? YDI for thinking a guy you have sex with will want any thing more than your pussy.

Funtertaining11 0

Really? Everyone should know that she/he keeps calling you by these nicknames, it's probably because she/he can't remember your name. Ever see John Tucker Must Die? & whatever happened to just talking?

shayna19m 1

my step brother asked me "Uh... what's your name again...?" 2 days after our parents got married. We are 15 years old, and he is two months older then me. We had known each other for a whole year before the wedding. so don't feel that bad.

emuroo 0

This could really be an honest misunderstanding. I didn't learn my now-best friend's name for more than a month after I met her, because names are just something that I have a hard time with. It's really awkward and hard to have to keep asking.

Leiqha 0

clearlyyyyy too many people that commented on this watch seinfeLd. lmao. and for the people talking about john tucker must die - jesse metcalfe is the sexiest guy alive. as for the people calling her a **** . . get over yourselves. having sex is natural and some people have different morals. your just jelous cause your not getting any. if he keeps coming back and doesnt know her name her pussys obviously not that loose. && yes i did read every single comment i have no life. and the "horizontal hula" has to be the funiest thing ive heard in my entire life.