By Bestfrienduncool - 30/09/2010 05:11 - France

Today, I found out that the reason my best friend is not allowed over anymore is because he hits on my mom and writes her love letters. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 783
You deserved it 2 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Yeah #3. I thought #1 was pretty creepy too. I mean what the hell is she smiling at. Is she looking at me? Awkward...


RedPillSucks 31

LOL that funny she's a milf. can't blame a guy for trying. creepy yes but can't fight nature. fyl cause it's gonna happen alot.

grlwhosings 0
l3allin_all_day 0
DarkHelmet 10

What if your best friend became your new daddy LOL

hobosareawesome 0

Lmao at least you can say you like your stepfather... well maybe not anymore

MAC0789 2 least nothing happened, right?

its okay, all my friends keep saying my mom is hot. i dont get offended. i just laugh and think its hilarious.