By Anonymous - 27/03/2013 18:26 - Canada - Red Deer

Today, I gave my girlfriend an orgasm for the first time. She's a screamer. Her dog must have thought I was attacking her, because he immediately came over and started savaging me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 956
You deserved it 6 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You brought this upon yourself when your girlfriend's texts were being read over her shoulder.


Mundyshka 1

Once, when my boyfriend and I were having sex, my cat sneaked up from behind and started sniffing my boyfriend's ass and... and... oh heaven...

My dog's still do this. Even from 2 floors below, in the middle of the night, 5 years after we've been married....

Apart from the mauling, congrats! :D

Reckless_beauty 0

Divorce that mother ******, ASAP

orgasms seem to require much more sacrifice these days, sometimes good sometimes bad... hope you're okay. at least that's one hell of a finish? ha, hope you're not to traumatized to give her another one and i hope she's really grateful for that one!

Next time lock the dog in the attick or the basement and let her scream her hell up.

I know how you feel, my dog will bark and growl and wimper if he hears me moan, because he thinks my boyfriend is hurting me xD We tried locking him on the outside of the room but he only gets louder and informs the rest of the house of what's going on in my bedroom!

TcheQ 12

YDI for having sex in front of a dog