By Anonymous - 27/03/2013 18:26 - Canada - Red Deer

Today, I gave my girlfriend an orgasm for the first time. She's a screamer. Her dog must have thought I was attacking her, because he immediately came over and started savaging me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 956
You deserved it 6 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You brought this upon yourself when your girlfriend's texts were being read over her shoulder.


That bites... But you deserve it for not closing the door. Dumbass.

Sucks to be you. My girlfriend is a gasper so i can fool around with her with her parents in the room and they dont even notice. Also, her dog LOVES me lol

Pstraka6 20

Most probably the dog is a female and she thinks you are a dog. Now she wants an ****** from you. I'm sure you can do it.

Maybe he thought you were trying to play fetch since you were dangling balls in front of him....

simplysarcastics 26

Dude... Is it so hard to close a door or take the poor dog outside. Ydi, and this isn't an fml. No one wants to hear about how you make your lady scream all through the night LOL!

And you told your friends the scratches were from her.