By Anonymous - 17/07/2012 13:54 - Greece - Athens

Today, I gave up smoking. A few hours later, I caught myself daydreaming about brutally killing a guy that gave me a mean look at the bus. Maybe I should go back to smoking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 301
You deserved it 5 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Viciousstorms 7

Congratulations on trying to quit smoking. Although, there's easier alternatives than just stopping such as nicotine and maybe quitting slowly but surely will make you calmer.


babyguns143 5

smoking actually increases your blood pressure ... so maybe you had those thoughts cause you started smoking in the first place.

At least don't quit cold turkey like that.

Hey at least ur tryin. Plus u have a excuse for bein irritable. other ppl dnt

rarinbug839 0

That's about normal for me an I've never smoked so don't be worried

haha, hard core. i know im pretty bad without a morning smoke. ur brave!

Well at least you and most people have something in common( it's not the smoking).

No don't go back to smoking u r doing the right thing

cupkay 7

i quit once too, on the 3rd day i cried because i bent a spoon handle.

YDI for starting smoking in the first place