By Anonymous - 17/07/2012 13:54 - Greece - Athens

Today, I gave up smoking. A few hours later, I caught myself daydreaming about brutally killing a guy that gave me a mean look at the bus. Maybe I should go back to smoking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 301
You deserved it 5 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Viciousstorms 7

Congratulations on trying to quit smoking. Although, there's easier alternatives than just stopping such as nicotine and maybe quitting slowly but surely will make you calmer.


Lmfao yeah maybe start slowly on the quitting thing before u murder someone

Smoke weed instead. It'll chill you out.

Jeffers123 5

My god guys! U all go and make comments like "congrats!", all u guys want is popular comments, it's an fml not an intervention, just laugh, make a ruby comment and move on. Don't be a kiss up to likes

Brujo666 0

**** what everyone is saying. I came to that conclusion years ago. Cigarettes do give you cancer, but it saves lives too. Like dude on the bus. They saved the op from death row as well. Keep smoking dude.

Slowly back off from 1 pack to half to 3 to 2 to 1 to half a cig then ur off

No don't go back or u will end up with COPD & u dont want that. Plus it's natural for ppl to feel like that.

lordEast 6

Your holding where I was the last time I quit. It gets better. Just don't give in to the temptation of the smokey Madonna

OP, best of luck. But if you fall back, keep trying. It really does get easier. Now, the thinking about killing someone part? If they blow smoke in my face... grrrr

I just quit today too and felt the exact same way chin up. We can do this!!