By Anonymous - 17/07/2012 13:54 - Greece - Athens

Today, I gave up smoking. A few hours later, I caught myself daydreaming about brutally killing a guy that gave me a mean look at the bus. Maybe I should go back to smoking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 301
You deserved it 5 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Viciousstorms 7

Congratulations on trying to quit smoking. Although, there's easier alternatives than just stopping such as nicotine and maybe quitting slowly but surely will make you calmer.


rcgirl2 11

I know it's a hard thing to do. But smoking isn't going to make things better. If you feel an urge to smoke, try doing something else. Or get one of the water vapor cigarettes.

Don't give up they say the first tree days are the hardest then after that it gets easier

buckley91 9

Congrats!! But before you kill anybody maybe you should buy some nicorette gum or something. When my friend quit she said she could smell cigarettes everywhere and I watched her put melted candle wax in her nose.

Not smoking doesn't bring those daydreams, just FYI

**** you up the ******* ass hole so hard u bleed

If you are using medication to quit, stop using it. I had a friend who was trying to give up smoking and took a prescription drug which made her want to kill her husband. This stuff is dangerous.

i did it, lots of people did it(quit smoking) and you can do it too, gl

Next time just kill the guy on the bus

deransc 19

I used patches to quit 3 years ago and it was still the hardest thing I've ever done, and I still crave them. But I'm so glad I quit and look at all the $ you are going to save! You can do really nice things with all that extra $ I promise!!!

damn why do people have to be so rude, harsh, and judgemental? every single fml i read there are stupid arguments about stupid things. why can't people just leave people alone to do whatever the hell they want. good lord.