By italy1986 - 13/04/2009 19:41 - United States

Today, I got 20% tints on my car. As I'm driving home, a cop pulls me over. I didn't want to ruin my new tint by opening my window, so I opened my door as the cop approached. He then pulled out his gun and yelled "GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND!" before I could explain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 598
You deserved it 58 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahahaa. Dude, they get scared if you do that. LOL cop fail!

Dude, don't open the door unless the cop asks you to. YDI.


SirKickz 0

First of all, all of you need to calm the hell down. Second of all, whether or not this guy's window tinter is a 'good' one or not is completely irrelevant. The fact is, he doesn't want to RISK ruining the tint job he got by rolling down the window. No sense in running the risk of all that money going to waste over a routine traffic stop. And while maybe he should have tried to let the cop know while the window was up that he was going to open the door before he actually did it, its entirely understandable that he didn't, and the cop probably overreacted just a bit (I know he needed to keep himself safe, but he could have done that with a step back, a hand on his weapon, and a warning). Agreed. Your life is F***ed

never... ever, ever open the door instead of rolling down the window, that is a good way to get your ass shot! The good cops will just be cautious, the bad cops will have a varying degree of reactions... The sign of a good law enforcement officer is a person who is prepared for everything, and does not over react to a situation. That is a bad reaction, and he is not a very good cop in this case, he is too jittery and paranoid.

Shadefall 0

Well, quite honestly, I wouldnt have known that; was never told nor taught it anywhere. And he doesnt say whether or not he got out of his car, merely that he opened the door. You people are being so goddamn judgemental while knowing only a small portion of the situation. To all you elitist pricks out there, I highly doubt you have never done something stupid in your lives. and #88, many, many crimes are victimless. As he stated, posession of drugs, and ONLY possession, not dealing. For where is it the governments place to regulate what goes into your own body? Underage drinking and smoking can be viewed in the same way, for it is only the person violating the age regulations involved. Or, say an 18 year old is dating a 16 year old, which is illegal in some places. They are both consenting, but if they do anything physically together, it is still a crime. And no one bother to call me out, because Im not planning on monitoring this discussion and more than likely will never see it.

Trix_Disorder 20

Too many cops have been hurt this way. They're just covering their own asses. Follow the rules, or get shot in the leg.

overreacted cop. this is not YDI. i think most regular people would do the same, because we actually don't have bad connotation of cops and we don't even think that someone will think of us as criminal. maybe it's a bad neighborhood.

#80: If the cop is right there then you should be able to talk through the glass. It will be muffled, but it's still audible. #134: Not necessarily. Sometimes some cops are dicks. People do get pulled over because a cop is bored or they have a DWB (Driving While Black), or in this case probably anyone driving a newer model fast Asian car with tints. There really is a tiny percentage of cops who make the others look bad.

On the one hand, cops profiling people generally doesn't sit right with me. It's wrong, like stereotyping someone. On the other hand, were I a cop, and had I the choice of scaring the shit out of someone and not dying, or not scaring the shit out of someone and possibly getting killed, then I would definitely choose the former. I don't necessarily blame the cop, I blame the human condition. On the sunny side, at least he didn't bust a cap instead of just screaming. Either way, YDI + FYL

blue_mandie4 0

I don't think it's your fault, you probably didn't think that doing that would make the cop pull the gun out. Oh and if anyone is wondering, 20% isn't against the law and isn't dark at all! And I hope you didn't get into trouble!