By italy1986 - 13/04/2009 19:41 - United States

Today, I got 20% tints on my car. As I'm driving home, a cop pulls me over. I didn't want to ruin my new tint by opening my window, so I opened my door as the cop approached. He then pulled out his gun and yelled "GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND!" before I could explain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 598
You deserved it 58 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahahaa. Dude, they get scared if you do that. LOL cop fail!

Dude, don't open the door unless the cop asks you to. YDI.


You deserve it. That's the stupidest thing you can do. Most cops die in regular traffic stops, not shoot outs, by opening your door as he's approaching, you're just asking to get shot. Also, no I wouldn't have done the same, I would've put my freaking window down. Tint on one window is $50 max, my life is worth more than that to me. Not to mention, he probably pulled you over for having a too dark of a tint, so that's gonna be coming off anyways!

corey_kelly 0

that's illegal of the cop to are actually allowed to get out of your car and do whatever you want until the cop tells you what to do, and as soon as you don't give them your registration you don't have to say anything else...90%sure

#137: I wouldn't do anything based on your "90% sure" comment ;) Cops can do quite a bit to you if they have any reason to think of you as a threat.. Opening a door, especially AS THE COP APPROACHES, is unusual and would make a lot of cops react this way. Best course of action is to treat them with quiet respect and hope they don't ruin your day.

deliciouskaek 1

Never met a cop who wasn't a bastard. Can't say as you deserved his reaction if he hadn't even got a glimpse at your hands yet. 20% tint isn't even dark, and calling out "show me your hands" or "get back in the vehicle" would have been enough. Even if concerned, he could have just placed his hands near/at his holster, and not drawn his weapon. ******* psycho.

Actually, 135, most people here would probably have kept their hands on the wheel, told the cop what was up, and let the cop see that no, they weren't grabbing a gun and opening the door to prepare to fire. Are there seriously that few of us who had a state trooper and/or common sense come into their Driver's Ed class? This was one of the first things he let us know about (accompanied by a fairly dramatic demonstration) to make it easier for both parties, and it was one of the first things my parents told me. Whether or not you think cops are bastards and all, they pulled you over and they're quite worried about becoming the target. Don't be a bastard yourself - save your 'nonviolent resistance' for somewhere where misinterpretation will not occur...

HAHAHAHAHA,could you imagine god : so uh how did you die? I chose to take a bullet in the head rather than winding the window down for an officer god: *opens trapdoor to hell*

lolwhat_fml 0

here you go, as far as I have seen 20% isn't allowed anywhere in the US. Unless the OP meant to say 80% tint; since the percentage designates % of light that comes in.

ditlihi 0

Yeah, that was pretty stupid...your deserved that.

lifesabit 0

GOD PEOPLE HOW CAN HE HAVE DESERVED IT?! He should have been a good little cop and possibly got shot so that he doesn't inconvience ppl. **** his wife, kids, and family.. I want to have tints dammit! And don't you know how this could have been prevented by telling him to put his guns outside the door? Its not like he could have put.... lets say A GUN outside the door and shot him.... it was totally unnecessary for the cops to pull out a weapon to potentially save himself. All you ppl saying he deserved it are stupid... and are not genuses like teh ppl like me who kno dat cops shood jus b shot.