By italy1986 - 13/04/2009 19:41 - United States

Today, I got 20% tints on my car. As I'm driving home, a cop pulls me over. I didn't want to ruin my new tint by opening my window, so I opened my door as the cop approached. He then pulled out his gun and yelled "GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND!" before I could explain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 598
You deserved it 58 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahahaa. Dude, they get scared if you do that. LOL cop fail!

Dude, don't open the door unless the cop asks you to. YDI.


imhawaiian 0

Did you learn anything in drivers ed? You ain't supposed to make sudden movements while the officer is coming up to you and... why buy tints that are illegal? Could've gone lower %.

Whoever said YDI: You're all imbeciles and need to learn to read. The OP never said he stepped out of his car, only that he opened his door. There are many people who have broken windows and are actually UNABLE to open them. What do you know-it-alls suggest they do, ignore the cop? The cop had no reason to assume he was hostile unless he was evading being pulled over beforehand, or his driving was exceptionally malicious, or he had a warrant for his arrest (none of those are apparent in the FML post). What the cop SHOULD have said was, "Stay in your car!" first, not "GET ON THE ******* GROUND!" If he still disobeyed after being told that, then got OUT of the car, then the cop can be concerned. That's still more than enough time to draw his weapon and aim it. The cop overreacted greatly... unless the OP got out of the car, in which case the OP is an idiot. But the OP didn't say that, but apparently nobody read the post.

I always get a kick out of the fact that everyone always seems to assume that all the posters are American, like that's the only possibility. From another state possibly, another country... wait people from other countries go on the internet? WHAT? when did this happen? It makes me chuckle.

Tint isn't pointless. Spend a summer in central Florida, and see how much you wished you had tint on your car. AC alone won't help you down here, when it's 95 degrees every day with 100% humidity.

cops are too assuming these days, especially if you are a minority. sorry to say but profiling is true. anyways the cop overreacted. in my neighborhood, an undercover cop shot a rocker guy running away from him because he thought the cop was a gangster when his MICROPHONE fell out of his pocket. the cop thought it was a gun. talk about jumping the gun. watch out for scared cops. btw. they should be trained to stay calm or something

PollySighDevil 0

I used to have a car where the driver side window would roll down because of a power problem, when i got pulled over i would open my door just a crack when the cop was walking up and say "MY WINDOW DOESN'T ROLL DOWN".... but then again i didn't have 20% tint and look like i was ridin' hot 'n dirty

honestly, i would have told him to **** himself. he isnt going to shoot you unless he was some under privileged black child who grew up in Compton

and since it is soooooooo much harder to shoot someone with the window down than with the door open. . . .LOLZ all the way with that one

projekt84 0

people backing up completely unreasonable police offers, i'm sick to my stomach. where does "door opens" equate to "officers mortal life in danger" ?

No matter if the newly tinted windows could be rolled down or not. Its a YDI because, he got pulled over for some reason. Either the tints were too dark, he was speeding, or he was driving aggressively. If the OP hadn't of done one of those things it never would've happened.