By higgles15 - 05/06/2012 19:42 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, I got a bikini wax. They said it wouldn't hurt too badly, and that it would just sting. My friend heard me screaming from all the way down the hall in the waiting room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 238
You deserved it 20 042

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They're right. It doesn't hurt "too badly" it hurts like a bitch.

How could you think that it wasn't gonna hurt? That's a really sensitive area of skin...


bearkat420 3

Hey at least it was worth it in the end OP. :P

It's like asking a doctor if a shot hurts. If they say no it will hurt and if they say yes then you should whip out the novacaine.

SavannahDaniel00 1

You gotta suffer to be beautiful

Ur just an attention *****. Yeah it hurts but not enough for you to scream and people to hear you down the hall.

You just want attention. Yeah it hurts but not enough to scream that loud and for people to hear you all the way down the hall

One of the electives in the course I'm gonna do is learning all the hair removal stuff. After this, I don't think I wanna learn it. Gonna make me feel like a ******* heartless animal if I wax someone and listen to them scream in pain. >.

The worst part about a bikini wax isn't the waxing it's the alcohol, witchhazel or whatever they put there that's more painful. I use to go to the salons to have it done, but i do it myself now. The salons weren't doing that great a job and i was seeing hair again within a few days.

stupid..I've had so many Brazilian waxes and none of them hurt too bad.

I feel your pain. My lady bits were red and swollen for two damn days after!