By Anonymous - 04/12/2013 08:50 - United States

Today, I got a call from the girl I like. I got very excited so I quickly picked up. As it turns out, she was actually prank calling me, pretending to be a "liposuction telemarketer" but forgot to press *67. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 876
You deserved it 3 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

Prank call her back. Just remember to use *67


Funny? Well, depending on your take of it. I hope that isn't the only time she's called you

RoyalAss 1

hopefully you dont like that asshole anymore.

perdix 29

Maybe you can use that as an excuse to get with her and show her your skills with *69.

Wait, it's all making sense now! That's probably why most females ignore the nice guys and go for the assholes that treat them like shit! "If they're mean to you, they like you" If I ever have a daughter I'm never letting her believe this. Thanks Noor! :D

olpally 32

What a bitch thing to do. Call her back and make her feel like shit for being an idiot. Or take the high road and never speak to that moron again. Either way, you're better off.

Trinidad727 9

Hit the gym bro!! Then when your all buff she's gonna wish she had you!!

wait til you grow up a bit and you won't be so disappointed. you guys sound like you're 10.

perdix 29

#12, and if they take out restraining orders on you, they really, really like you! Hey, I'm not THAT fat! Don't be jealous of my moobs;)