By Anonymous - 04/12/2013 08:50 - United States

Today, I got a call from the girl I like. I got very excited so I quickly picked up. As it turns out, she was actually prank calling me, pretending to be a "liposuction telemarketer" but forgot to press *67. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 876
You deserved it 3 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

Prank call her back. Just remember to use *67


When I was much younger, probably 10 or 11, prank calling the boys we liked was a major part of any sleepover. So depending on your maturity level, it might not be all bad news :)

Well, at least you learn now what an immature twit she is.

crazydave1998 6

sounds like its time to drop some weight

mooseantlers 1
roadrash3000 2

That's okay, man. She seems pretty ******* stupid anyways.

Danielt104 6

At least you were on her mind :)

Danielt104 6

Don't listen to these people saying she's a bitch and not worth it. That doesn't make ANY sense! She obviously has some interest in you even if she's trying to prank you. What's so wrong with that? I wish this one girl would prank call me...or call me...I miss her ok

are you ******* retarded??? oh wait yes you are!! :D

This is the first time I've ever heard of someone being prank called by their crush... I'm hoping it was just a friendly joke.