By Anonymous - 22/04/2009 05:22 - United States

Today, I got a call from the Hollister manager yelling at me for not showing up for work that night. I was never informed I got the job. I missed my first day of work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 811
You deserved it 5 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was fired from Hollister without ever being told.. I wouldn't worry about it, they're a screwed up company.

Loe_307 0

Hope you stood up for yourself.


Sucks, man. I wouldn't wanna work there anyway. If it's anything like Abercrombie, I'd probably die of fumigation from being in there for more than 30 minutes. It freakin reeks of stank-b-gone in those stores.

helios_rex 0

YDI for trying to get a job there... that's douche-central!

#6 LOL #12 It woudln't be a good start to miss your first day of work and then sound like a smartass about it....wouldn't give a good impression.

RubixCube_fml 0

oh man, the same EXACT thing happened to me when i first started working there. Nobody ever told me I got the job until a girl called and asked me to cover her shift that day and i was like what???

RubixCube_fml 0

oh and take this chance to escape while you still can. they employ about 300 employees in one store so they honestly don't give a shit about you. most people quit after 3 weeks after using their 50% discounts. Seriously they just make u fold clothes and run and put it back in the store for 4 hours non-stop. its a shitty job that anyone can do and they force you to look the "look".

chanceuse_fml 0

For all those saying YDI for applying to Hollister.... did you even consider maybe that is the only job they could get? Jobs are hard to come by nowadays, and I would take whatever I could get. It isn't a good place to work, but its life. You aren't going to get the 'perfect job', most likely. Those who say YDI for that reason are superficial.

skierguy 0

That happened to me when I got my first job at a grocery store. You can't really be blamed if you didn't know.

thelonelylurker 0

I worked at hollister, they are like that. they also don't let you know what they want you to do, only that you have to do it and it has to be done the right way...