By Anonymous - 22/04/2009 05:22 - United States

Today, I got a call from the Hollister manager yelling at me for not showing up for work that night. I was never informed I got the job. I missed my first day of work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 811
You deserved it 5 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was fired from Hollister without ever being told.. I wouldn't worry about it, they're a screwed up company.

Loe_307 0

Hope you stood up for yourself.


hollister is such a shitty company. little bit of info for ya.... hollister the "legit surf company" was actually started in 2001 in columbus ohio, WHERE THE **** ARE THE BEACHES IN COLUMBUS OHIO???? they actually drop thousands of dollars on each store to make it look like some surf shack and the live feed to huntington beach??? wtf is that? "hey look surfing this is a surf shop" bullshit. hollister has also had numerous lawsuits against them from using pro surfers photos without permission cause the surfers see they're pics on hollister shit and sue the **** out of them cause they'd NEVER EVER support hollister ahahaha that's the best part. and all those vintage style tee's they sell proclaiming surf comps and shit are completely fabricated. so basically anyone that shops at hollister is immitating a lifestyle that they really know nothing about. sad thing is i work in a skate/surf/snow shop in a mall and i have to listen to tools all juiced up packed into way to tight ass shirts leaving here being like "let's go to that surf shop hollister". shit makes me sick.

playerhata 0

Hollister sucks. Be glad that you didn't show up, and maybe not show up a few more times afterward. Kind of like a come and go as you please type of gig. See how long they'll put up with it, and if you get yelled at again, ask them (management), if they know who you are.

dude i use to work at HCo. that job sucks. it really doesnt matter if you dont show up. infact, dont show up and get another-better paying-job. Their material is shitty and way overpriced anyway. **** Hollister!

SynysterV17 3

you should have told him you did not know you got the job

that same thing happened to me. i got a call from my boss and he was like 'where were you this morning!?' and i told him that he never told me if or when i work. it was gay

dancercutiec8 0

dont worry i work at Hollister and theyre freakiin dumb there

samhainnight 0

OP - you don't happen to live in PA, do you?

lightnin2011 0

I don't think working in retail is as horrible as people say, I've worked in it for three years now. However, hollister is definitely the worst place to work in retail. They give you crappy employee benefits and hire so many employees at a time so that they can keep their image by having new faces working in their store all the time and their costoners don't see the same faces. ... Which means you wouldn't work many hours anyways. Fyl for not being able to get a better job.