By Anonymous - 16/09/2010 07:04 - United States

Today, I got a call from this girl I really like. Surprised, as I never get anything other than a text from her, I answered. All I heard were rustling sounds. She had pocket dialed me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 410
You deserved it 5 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Did you get really excited and then go "awww" like Peter Griffin?

oh wow...I bet you're the only person that's ever happened to in the history of cell phones.


tdawgheath 0

YDI for thinking a phone call means anything firstly, and also for thinking that just cuz she didn't mean to dial your number that it's an FML.

good to know OP. tell someone that cares next time , okay ?

pin_up_666 0
MyKillz 0
El_Mero_Mero 0

mannn this happen to me many times ;(( FML

Notjustanother1 0
denvan 0

just call her and tell her probably her butt missed you

shadowwarrior247 2

grow some balls and call the girl

Grow some balls and call her yourself, ******. this is not an fml.