By Sean - 10/06/2013 02:27 - United States

Today, I got a concussion and several staples in my head. As it turns out, watering flowers is much more dangerous than it might sound. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 277
You deserved it 7 661

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's got to be a good story behind this....come on OP we need details lol

If OP is American, he can sue the flowers


Grauncho 27

This is a clear indication you should start wearing a helmet at all times.

quanito1013 6

sounds like me. I fell at work and ended up with a severely sprained ankle, possible torn ligament and 11 stitches in my brow. seems I've forgotten how to walk with shoes on... derp

And the "Derp" at the end was for...?

Where the hell does he work? The amazon?

Michael_92 20

Them would have to be some big ass Venus fly traps...I'll take two!

Grauncho 27

Really 15? Did you really ask that?

OP is from the Mushroom Kingdom. I think everyone there knows being a landscaper is the equivalent to being a lion tamer.

Maybe you should rethink your watering methods. Is it really necessary that you collect your water from glacial valleys?

kim_larsa 5

Wow hon, my "lady flower" isn't even THAT painful.

Lost_Ghost 8

Aquaponics. Self watering. Try it.

Because staples and watering flowers go together like peas in a pod.

I'd love to hear the story behind this!

You Know, when you're watering the flowers You have to use water, not staples?..

I'm going to say staples in the head because the doctor used it to stitch the head up?

It was a joke... You know, like haha funny? No? Never heard of it? That's strange..

your duckface annoys me so neg props for you

them flowers..getting rid of humans one by one