By Sean - 10/06/2013 02:27 - United States

Today, I got a concussion and several staples in my head. As it turns out, watering flowers is much more dangerous than it might sound. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 276
You deserved it 7 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's got to be a good story behind this....come on OP we need details lol

If OP is American, he can sue the flowers


avapaige1234 19

It's prolly just your plant defending your lawn. That is, if you happen to look like a zombie. Instincts kicking in, I guess.

Were you doing parkour while watering these flowers?

"Because no good story starts off with gardening" - Yeah, I would say you proved most people wrong on that one OP. I hope you are doing better now despite being in pain.

If that's what happens when you water flowers I'd hate to see you armed with a pair of secateurs.

Durotic 8

No offence but im pretty sure you have to be pretty retarded to get a concussion while watering flower...suck though!

ginawater19 13

Your concussion must be so bad you've lost your English grammar skills. It's "a concussion"

msbeans07 2
MartiOan 8

I feel like some vital information went missing here.