By geeklove - 16/01/2012 03:30 - United States

Today, I got a Facebook message from the school genius/nerd, who I have never talked to. He politely informed me that after much thought and deliberation, he has narrowed it down to who his ideal mate is. Me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 749
You deserved it 7 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be flattered! at least you have someone. he might be your boss some day...


Rocketgirl89 17

Nerds are awesome. The op should consider giving him a chance.

All of you feeling bad for her are real ***** a douches. He did say he wants to marry the girl only that he likes her out of all the other girls. And besides yea he is smart so at least when he talks to her he actually makes sense and has logic to back himself up rather than just some bitchy retarded comment. So keep hating on the poor nerd chances are your going to wish you are him one day.

thatKidzmOm 10

Survival of the fittest is the first thought that popped into my head.

Coming from a nerd, go for it. You got my word. NERDS, COME TOGETHER AND UNITE!!!

We do not unite, we compete. *deadpan face*

I'm sorry that somebody likes you. I hope you don't hate your life too much honey, because who in GODS NAME would ever want to date a smart guy? Dem Jocks is where it's at!

Says the anime watching girl with purple hair..

GoW_Chick 14

Hey opposites attract, it's scientifically proven.

LadyLALAA's sarcasmometer seems to be malfunctioning.

thesaracarrow 2

Maybe if you don't want to be a millionaire

I really think he could of stated that better, but at least he had the balls to ask. Took me forever to get rejected, at least he wanted to try. OP should at least befriend him. You never know, he could be sweet.

Sounds to me like he's trying to break the ice with you. Just try talking to him.

Sounds to me like he's trying to break the ice with you. Just try talking to him.