By Criminal - 13/07/2010 23:15 - United States

Today, I got a speeding ticket. I wrote a check, and on the way to deposit my fine, I got another one. I put both fines in a box down town, and I turned around to see a cop putting a parking ticket under my wind-shield wiper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 940
You deserved it 49 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

I have a wild suggestion. Don't speed and don't park where you're not supposed to.


amberita28 0

This could have all been avoided if you didn't speed. Speed limits are assigned for a reason! Not only do you put yourself in danger but you also put others around you in danger when you speed! Imagine if the person driving next to you was bringing home their newborn baby from the hospital! Slow down, it's not that hard!

Maybe he is just an idiot who is too stupid to notice massive the cop car with big lights on the roof and the "no parking" sign. Be nice,...

Because I'm real sure you have never, ever gone a single MPH over a speed limit. including those speed limits in a school zone when there are no kids around. it's real easy to cast judgement on others. how about yourself?

12-Just for the record studies have shown that people who drive 5-10mph over the speed limit are safer drivers and typically get in less accidents. Also people who break up wolfpacks on the freeway (by driving through them) make the freeway safer environment for others.

Everyone may speed a bit from time to time, but to get caught twice in a short period of time is ridculous. I've been driving for 5 years and I've never had a speeding ticket. Keep in mind though that when I do speed it's not much over the limit, and in an area where it will be safer to do so. Three tickets in one day means you're a ******* idiot

50: Ugh, I hate driving in a wolfpack. *activates Teams Edward/Jacob shield*

iicyfreshhXD 0
smurf1 0

that is definantly FML worthy. seriously FYL damn...

dude I just got convicted of three counts of murder in the first degree... FML. WTF it was his fault

1jordan1 11

Definitely not fml worthy. It's his own fault, I'm not going to have sympathy for someone that doesn't care about the law or the safety of others. His own fault. Take driving more seriously.

smurf1 0

That Sucks, people who say slow down and ydi for speeding, may be right, but I'm sure many of us have drove over the limit twice in the same day but just never for a ticket. as far as parking goes, well thats just being retarded.

FFML_314 11

Yes but, you still deserve it. It's not as if OP was speeding, not realizing that (s)he was doing something wrong. Anyone deserves a speeding ticket if they are speeding.

I speed. I said ydi because he wasn't careful about it the second time and how do dumb do you have to be to park illegally at the police station going to pay your fineS? I guess op is tired of having a license and is trying to get it revoked.

30, I agree op deserved it, as I said above, but my point was that most of us are guilty of this and are fortunate enough too not be in ops position, and #101, where I live where youd pay your ticket is never a police station, its a court house, and its typically downtown somewhere, where I live its crazy to think you can get parking anywhere near the courthouse. Doesn't make it right, but very common.

G_babyyy 0

maybe you should start driving at the speed limit instead of above it OP. :)

VolleyballSMASH 1

and parking correctly, especially at the police station.

sk8trzero53 0

ydi for driving naked, jk op fyl bad day :p