By Criminal - 13/07/2010 23:15 - United States

Today, I got a speeding ticket. I wrote a check, and on the way to deposit my fine, I got another one. I put both fines in a box down town, and I turned around to see a cop putting a parking ticket under my wind-shield wiper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 940
You deserved it 49 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

I have a wild suggestion. Don't speed and don't park where you're not supposed to.


Please stop driving. I hate encountering people hell-bent on killing me when I'm just trying to go to the supermarket.

I could swear that i've already seen an FML exactly like this...

devilyy 2

Hey at least he wasn't on a bike like at my place.You can imagine.Cop:Hey buddy,pull over *ching,ching*xD what would he do if he arrested you? Cop: Ok,get in the basket!xP

Jeff Dunham. So you live in Santa Ana? forgive me if I spelled it wrong haha

Here's an idea: STOP DRIVING LIKE A ******* MORON! thanks

toast1b 0

first of all this is a lie because op doesn't even tell us why she got so many tickets. and second of all, is this is true then op you SUCK AT DRIVING !!!

He got the first and second ticket for speeding and a third for parking iligally. Learn to read moron.

dang police officers must not like u lol